E-Services are a suite of web-based tools that allow Tax professionals, and others, to conduct online transactions with the IRS including access to taxpayer transcripts. The IRS continues to expand and improve online services, which should accelerate with funding from the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). Planned improvements include integrations with taxpayer accounts (including some notices), quicker access to transcripts, and more tools for tax pros. Online integrations and services have evolved over the last few years and will bring more change to the industry in the years ahead. This webinar will walk you through e-Services; signing up, accessing tools, and future developments.
List the steps required to sign up for e-Services, including those with an EFIN
Practice navigating the login process and different tools available under e-Services
Determine how to use the various tools available via e-Services, the requirements for use, and how to access
Tax Mentor
[email protected]
Roger is considered the foremost authority on all things involving e-services and IRS transcripts since pioneering the IRS transcript analysis industry a decade ago launching Tax Help Software. Roger is a national speaker on tax industry best practices and consults with some of the largest tax software companies, accounting firms, tax resolution firms, and the IRS.