LEAF Specialty Tax Consultants
CEO/Founder/Managing Partner
[email protected]
(801) 893-6887
LEAF Specialty Tax Consultants
(801) 893-6887
LEAF Specialty Tax Consultants was born after founder Adam Farnsworth saw a need for businesses to have a better way to access and claim Research and Development (R&D) Tax Credits. All across the United States, companies are using innovation, technology, and research to make the world a better place. By creating a consulting business for R&D Tax Credit, LEAF wants to provide a way for businesses to have the advantage of a tax credit expert to provide computation and substantiation guidance surrounding Section 41 of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) and affiliated code sections, court cases, regulations, and affiliated state tax credits.
LEAF is here to foster entrepreneurial growth, advise clients on how R&D Tax Credits work in their favor, and provide a way to get money coming back to the client’s business—fast. If you haven’t utilized your tax credit to maximize innovation and development, now is the time. Let LEAF get the R&D Tax Credit working for you today.
LEAF Specialty Tax Consultants
CEO/Founder/Managing Partner
[email protected]
(801) 893-6887